Process Server Service
PI Omaha Corp Investigative Services specializes in difficult process service. An attorney service can be effective in simple matters; however, if you have a case in which the defendant or witness is evasive, you need the experience of a private detective. We research home and work addresses for the subject and we identify vehicles to determine where the subject actually is. Tactics can include surveillance of a subject coming or going from home and work. In other instances, we devise very creative ruses to lure the subject out in the open.
From tracking down defendants to ensuring timely service, PI Omaha Corp Investigative Services is here to serve all of your process server needs. Our dedicated process servers are here to ensure your summons is delivered when you need it to be. We maintain communication with our clients throughout service of process, and we can provide an up to the minute status report when requested.
Please give us a call today 402-908-3311